Carbon Literacy for SMEs
What is Carbon Literacy?
Carbon Literacy is “An awareness of the carbon costs and impacts of everyday activities and the ability and motivation to reduce emissions, on an individual, community and organisational basis.” Carbon Literacy training is a full-day program (8hours), the end of which participants have to submit group (workplace/community group) and individual carbon reduction pledges to enable them to become “Carbon Literate” and gain certification. Certification is done independently through the Carbon Literacy Project.
Who is this course for?
This course is aimed at representatives from SMEs who are looking to increase their awareness of carbon dioxide costs, impacts, and most importantly how to reduce emissions. We will help you cut through some of the jargon around the Net Zero agenda and give you practical advice on how to begin to measure and reduce your emissions.
The course will enable you to empower your team to take climate action and will also give you the knowledge, skills and confidence to act to reduce your carbon emissions to support your company’s journey to Net Zero.
What to expect?
This online course is delivered by Claire Thew from Venture Zero and Annie The Sustainable Life Coach. Both have environmental backgrounds and both are small business owners and fully understand the challenges that many SME’s face.
The course is delivered over 2 half day sessions with a small amount of home learning. All participants will receive a workbook that contains case studies, resources and structured activities so that the support doesn’t end when the training does.
The course will take place on Tues 16th and 23rd May 2023, 10-1.30pm. Both sessions must be attended to gain certification.
The learning outcomes include:
Day 1:
- • Jargon busting around the climate crisis. • What Greenhouse Gases are and their relationship to weather and climate.
- • How changes in the climate are already affecting us and likely to affect us in the future. • What is a Carbon Budget.
- • The Role of SME’s in the Race to Net Zero • Understanding Scopes 1, 2 and 3 to enable you to make more informed decisions.
- • Energy efficiency in the workplace.
Day 2:
- • Sustainable Travel and Transport.
- • Scope 3 : Sustainable procurement, Waste, Supply chain & Finances • The barriers to communicating about climate change.
- • How to engage with employees & customers to inspire action.
- • The importance of collaborations & your sphere of influence.
We recognise that the Climate Crisis is a big and over-whelming topic. We engage participants in a fun and interactive course that will leave you feeling empowered and inspired to take action. If you would like more information on this course or other courses we offer, please email us at info@venturezero.co.uk or annie@thesustainablelifecoach.com.